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It is not known precisely the number of guys utilize paid sex. According to anonymous surveys, more than three-quarters of all males go to a whorehouse a minimum of once in their lives. Almost half are regular escort clients or pay for sex. As in other locations, behaviour in a whorehouse goes through specific rules. The rules in the whorehouse apply to both girls and punters. This etiquette guide for johns will assist prevent problems and make pay sex a satisfying experience for everyone involved.

The guidelines in a whorehouse are essentially not that different from those in a relationship. The basics of proper whorehouse behaviour are regard, hygiene and courtesy. Suitors must treat ladies the way they want to be treated.

Escort customers and johns in the brothel conclude a service contract. This is valid according to agreement law, even if it is only concluded orally.

Observance of the prophylactic commitment
It is one of the most crucial rules of conduct in a brothel and in paid sex in general. It was enacted to safeguard the health of ladies and their suitors.
safeguard and is non-negotiable. The condom requirement applies to all types of sex: vaginal, oral and anal.
honour agreements
Suitors are obliged to pay the agreed cost even if they are not satisfied with the service. In the milieu, it is traditional to pay in advance. If a john does not return or pay part of the money …
the lady can take legal action against him and sue take legal action against her fee.

The preparation for sex

The right behaviour in a brothel consists of the preparation for the erotic experience. For the behaviour in the brothel (also applies to escort clients) apply 2 things: come sober and tidy washing. If you go to a whorehouse drunk, you deprive yourself of pleasure.

Part of the behaviour in a whorehouse is that the ladies do not have to accept every suitor. That’s what every brothel has security for. Health is the basis for excellent behaviour in the whorehouse.

The rules in the whorehouse in regards to hygiene can be actually fun, if the suitor with “his” woman begins the date with a joint shower. You can do a lot of great things together!

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If the suitor with the girl discusses its desires before, to the right behaviour in the brothel belongs likewise. Not every slut does everything. One of the basic rules in a brothel is: no sex without a prophylactic. Even if escort customers desire French kissing, some girls do not agree. Others use this service but charge additional. Part of etiquette for suitors is appreciating those wishes. If you do not wish to pay, you can’t utilize the service. This likewise applies to unique demands like anal intercourse, chains and others. Appropriate behaviour in a whorehouse includes agreeing to such practices beforehand or not doing them.

For some johns, hitting, pinching, or pulling their partner’s hair is part of sex. Here, the exact same uses to behaviour in a whorehouse as in a relationship: what is enabled is what is mutually concurred upon. If you are into striking your partner, inflicting pain or embarrassing her, you need to discuss this with the woman ahead of time.

Even escorts and whores have a right to a private life. Numerous females in the market work under a pseudonym and have a different cell phone number and e-mail address for getting in touch with clients. Among the customs of conduct in a whorehouse is therefore that punters or escort customers do not pester the girls with concerns, consisting of, for example, their private telephone number or e-mail address, their genuine name or perhaps their address.

The etiquette for suitors determines to respect the female’s dreams and not to interfere in her personal life. On the other hand, it would be extremely humiliating for many suitors if his girl love would start to call him or even call the doorbell.

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Proper brothel behaviour includes not letting conflicts intensify. Although it is rather uncommon, it can take place that even the women cause trouble with their behaviour in the whorehouse. Some people say. This indicates they demand money on top of the concurred price. Such behaviour in a whorehouse need not be tolerated by johns. In the brothel, there is often a manager to whom you can turn. Escort customers are best to contact the company. One of the rules in the whorehouse is not to settle such conflicts with the girls personally. That will get you nowhere. Among the rules of the brothel is that johns who cause trouble are fired.

Among the most important guidelines of conduct in a whorehouse is that johns must appreciate a no from the woman of their option. In this regard, the behaviour in a whorehouse is no different from that in a regular relationship. The truth that the john paid for the whore’s service does not make him her owner. The fee is for the service just, not for her body. By misbehaving in a whorehouse, a john may well dedicate a criminal activity. If he forces the female to make love versus her will (or perhaps to make love without a prophylactic or practices she refuses) this is rape or attack, which can be prosecuted. The same is true for escort customers or men who order a hooker or hobby slut to their house or hotel. It is best to avoid such scenarios in the first place by talking about desires and fantasies before sex.

Whores experience this kind of thing all the time. Males don’t behave in a whorehouse like they do in a committed relationship. You’re anxious and excited. It can take place that his penis goes limp. One of the principles of brothel behaviour is that women do not talk about it or even make fun of their consumers.

Skilled whores can still assist their johns to orgasm, either through hand release (masturbating) or oral sex (with a prophylactic). The rules for punters also states that in such a case the client has no right to demand his money back. It’s not the girl’s fault that his “good pal” is abandoning him.

How to make sex truly beautiful?

Among the most crucial guidelines of brothel behaviour for johns is to treat the sluts like regular women and to act like a date when visiting a whorehouse. That implies, suitors and escort clients can make small presents to the girls. Every woman is happy about that, even the expert ladies. It doesn’t need to be a big bouquet of red roses. A box of chocolates or a bar of chocolate or a bottle of white wine will also go down extremely well. They put a smile on their face and enhance their state of mind. Ultimately, the consumer take advantage of this.

If the encounter went extremely well, the etiquette for suitors likewise enables you to thank them with a suggestion. The next time he comes back, he can be sure that “his” woman will welcome him happily. Both have more enjoyable throughout sex.

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